Visiting Malaysia? Why You Must Add Ipoh To Your Itinerary

Malacca to Legoland Malaysia

Getting to Legoland Malaysia From Malacca

This post is about how to get to Legoland Malaysia from Malacca, the bus journey, where to stay near Legoland and more. It’s also about our experiences of travelling in Malaysia. I’ve been really struggling with travel in Malaysia lately. After the first couple of days in Malacca, loving the ancient buildings and churches, I … Read more

Freaking out in Malaysia

Malaysia is in the middle of an environmental catastrophe. If you read my last post, things we didn’t like about Kuala Lumpur, you’ll remember me mentioning the air pollution.  I didn’t realise what was going on back then. Vast quantities of smoke from fires on Sumatra are blowing across the straits of Malacca engulfing Singapore … Read more

Favourite accommodation in southeast Asia

Favourite Hotels, Hostels and Guest Houses in Southeast Asia

It’s time for us to write a post on our favourite and recommended hotels, hostels, and guest houses in Southeast Asia. Hostels in Southeast Asia are generally very good and many have family rooms, however, they’re not always the cheapest accommodation option. In this post we give you our tried and tested favourites, some we’ve … Read more

Educational travel

How To Make Travel Educational

On this site we talk a lot about “worldschooling“. It’s how our kids were educated on the road, learning from the world around them. It’s as natural as breathing to me, wherever we go, we find the learning. Not everyone gets this concept. I’ve just been on a call with a lady on the other … Read more

Worldschooling travel essentials kid.

World Schooling Travel Essentials

If you’re setting out on a world schooling adventure what are your travel essentials? Travel essentials are the things we all need to pack every time, for every type of destination or travel style. They can also be items that are essential for a specific activity or place. As world schooling generally involves multiple destinations, … Read more

Food in Japan deep fried things

Food in Japan

“The food” is a popular reason to visit Japan. It was one of my teen’s biggest reasons for wanting to take this Japan trip. He’s a foodie kid and invests a lot of time in watching food videos, when he’s not in the kitchen creating fabulous things. He wanted to visit Japan because he believed … Read more

Where is Bali beautiful island temple Bali Indonesia

Where is Bali?

Bali is an island. It is just one of the islands which make up the country Indonesia in Southeast Asia. Bali is famous for being a very beautiful place with a stunning culture quite different from that found elsewhere in Indonesia. This island is also a very popular holiday destination, particularly for Australians as this … Read more

homeschooling on the road kids

Homeschooling on the Road. What Gear Do You Need?

Which things do you really need to homeschool on the road? (Some call this form of homeschooling travel schooling, road schooling, or worldschooling) What books, supplies, materials, equipment and resources do you need to carry with you? It’s not much. I’m not going to write a list. I’m not going to make you buy things so … Read more

where is bhutan

Where is Bhutan?

Bhutan is a country Located in the continent of Asia. It is situated in the Himalayas between India (south) and China (north). Bhutan is isolated and unspoiled due to strict regulations around tourism. Bhutan is a beautiful country where traditions are strong thanks to government policy. However, it is very difficult to visit Bhutan for … Read more

how to get around thailand


Thailand is a fantastic, easy, and cheap country to travel around. Thousands of backpackers, travellers and holidaymakers travel within Thailand, and all the other countries in Southeast Asia, daily, this post is about travel options, booking tickets, and arranging travel in and around Thailand, but the same applies to all countries adjacent to and near … Read more

Best Christmas Vacation Destinations for families Europe Markets Dresden Germany

Best Christmas Vacations For Families

If you’re yearning for the Christmas holiday season to feel a little different this year, there’s no better way to celebrate Christmas than by jetting off to a special Christmas vacation destination. In this post we bring you some of the best Christmas vacations for families, in the US, Europe, UK and Asia. Some of … Read more