Digital Nomad

How To Make Travel Educational

On this site we talk a lot about “worldschooling“. It’s how our kids were educated on the road, learning from ...
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World Schooling Travel Essentials

If you’re setting out on a world schooling adventure what are your travel essentials? Travel essentials are the things we ...
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Worldschooling Mistakes Not To Make

Worldschooling is a wonderful way for kids to get an education, and it’s a wonderful lifestyle for the whole family. ...
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Is Google Destroying Blogging?

It’s been a very tough few months in the blogging world. At the end of 2023 the HCU (Helpful Content ...
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How Much Money Can One Blog Post Make

How much money can a single blog post make? Some of mine have made thousands, some may have made tens ...
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What is a Nomadic Family?

A nomadic family is a family that can spend their whole lives, or a certain portion of their lives, moving ...
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Our Family Lifestyle, on the Road

This post is hard to write because our family lifestyle has very little consistency, nothing is fixed and the sands ...
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2021 Blogging Income Report

This post tracks our blogging income for 2021, the second year of the pandemic lockdowns. I’ve been a full-time blogger ...
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How to Make Money Travel Blogging (From a Travel Blogger Who Does, 2024)

I’m asked all the time so here are my best tips on how to make money travel blogging. Blogging funded ...
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10 Things Kids Hate About Travel

My kids are big now. Bigger than me. Young people with minds and opinions of their own. I think it’s ...
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14 Problems of Travelling With Kids

Problems of travelling with kids, oh yes, there are a few. Some consider them major problems, others, tiny inconveniences outweighed ...
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How Much Money We Made Travel Blogging in 2020

I have never, in the 9-year history of this website, posted income reports. I find it uncomfortable to talk about ...
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Do We Regret Homeschooling Our Kids? Homeschool Regrets

We chose to homeschool almost a decade ago. Today I have teens. One child would be sitting his GCSEs this ...
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Parenting and Travel (Raising Kids on the Road)

This post is about learning to be parents on the road. How we handled parenting children while travelling, without routine, ...
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How Covid-19 Has Impacted Travel Blogging

Time to get real. It seems that nobody is having a great time lately and we are fully aware that ...
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We are a Full-Time Travel Family. How?

This is a post about how we, the owners of World Travel Family travel blog, get to travel full-time or ...
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How to Travel the World for Free

How to travel for free? There are many ways to organise free travel and companies that will help you travel ...
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Living in Hoi An Vietnam

Everything on living in Hoi An after almost 6 months here. This post started out as a bit of a ...
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Travel Essentials

What are the travel essentials and what items should be left at home? Travel Essentials are the things we all ...
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Christmas While Travelling

We’ve had 5 Christmases on the road in the last almost 6 years of full-time family travel. Another one is ...
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Why Do People Travel?

Why do people travel? People travel for many reasons and love travel for different reasons too. Some people don’t enjoy ...
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The Truth About Blogging, Blogging Reality and Truth

I blog. Blogging is how I support my family. But what is blogging and what is blogging not? On a ...
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How to Start a Blog and Make Money – 6 Simple Steps

In this post you will learn the basics of how to start and set up a blog and how to ...
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How World Travel Family Blog Works

Guys, I’m reading so much nonsense right now about dishonest blogging and people being paid to say nice things that ...
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Singapore at Christmas

Visiting Singapore at Christmas, what is there to see and do in Singapore over the holidays and where should you ...
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A Nomadic Family Lifestyle

We left home over 5 years ago to travel the world and we never wanted to go back. Becoming a ...
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How We Scored a Free Week of Hotel Stays in Thailand – Agoda Cash

This week we’re touring northern Thailand by car, it’s amazing, fascinating and fun with the added bonus of being incredibly ...
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Getting a New UK Passport in Bangkok Thailand, British Passport Renewal

This is how we renewed a UK passport in Bangkok. British passport renewal in Thailand. Our younger son’s UK passport ...
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Options to Earn Money While Travelling

Travel can be one of the most important and incredible things you can do in your lifetime, opening you up ...
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Is Pinterest Broken? Shadowban? Not Working? Traffic Falling?

For months, years even, my Pinterest traffic had been falling. I was something of a Pinterest ninja a couple of ...
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Nomadic Lifestyle (Living Hand To Mouth)

This is a post about what a modern nomadic lifestyle actually means. We enjoyed this lifestyle of freedom for almost ...
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Basics of SEO for New Bloggers

I’ve been asked to write this post on the basics of SEO for bloggers by a member of our private ...
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The New Blogger’s Check List

I have so many people in our Facebook group, Living Differently, who are about to start, or have recently started ...
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Digital Nomad Family Destinations – The Hard Parts

If I were to ask you what you thought were the hardest parts of being a digital nomad family, what ...
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What Should You Include in Every Blog Post

Creating content for blogs or websites is more of a science than an art. Each blog post needs to have ...
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Sell Everything and Travel – How to Start Over in a Travel Lifestyle

Hi there, so you’re as crazy as us! Great to meet you. You’re thinking of selling everything you own and ...
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Getting Travel Blog Subscribers

Subscribers are pretty important to any blogger, not just travel bloggers. If Pinterest shut down, if Google de-indexed you, if ...
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What to Blog About?

What to blog about? What content should you create that will bring you lots of traffic? There are a few ...
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Best Plugins and Tools to Help Grow Your Blog and Income

 To create an effective blog and generate a steady online income, you have to spend a little money. This is ...
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Things To Consider Before Starting A Blog

So you want to start a blog? Or maybe you’ve already started and, just like I did, dived in without ...
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Best Things About Travelling the World as a Family

A lady in our Living Differently group was telling me yesterday how a photo I shared had stuck in her ...
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New Year New Theme! How & Why

You’ll see things have changed around here! After almost 5 years of blogging with the excellent but outdated Prose child ...
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