Digital Nomad

50 Journeys Round the Sun.

It’s traditional to do a year-end wrap post, so here goes with 2016. This year was a big one for ...
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Living Differently. New Ways in Chiang Mai

We’re loving this city in strange and unexpected ways. I’m loving the Thai environment, the Old City of Chiang Mai ...
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Living in Chiang Mai

Living in Chiang Mai Thailand has been on our radar for years, it’s a city that Chef and I like ...
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Make Money From Amazon Affiliates, Amazon Affiliates Program Blog & Tips

 I told you I was going to tell you how we made the leap to Living Differently, and Amazon is part ...
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Travelling with Less Clothes and Dumpster Diving

Hi guys, greetings from London where we’re sweltering in the final throws of summer. We made the mistake of taking ...
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AirBnB for Families. Finally Winning!

I’m famous for saying that AirBnb is useless for families and we never use it. If you’re not on Facebook ...
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Does Travel Change You, Finding Yourself

I get ideas for posts in all kinds of ways, sometimes I want to tell a story about some cool ...
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Living Differently, Uncertainties, Stories, and Bookings

My husband (Chef) was on the phone to his sister. She asked where we were, what we were up to, ...
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Living Differently. Owning Less, Living More

4 amazing years of seeing the world, somewhere between 35 and 50+ countries each, an amazing education for the kids ...
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Living Differently

This post, and entire “Living Differently” series, was written when I finally woke up to what we’d achieved, and realised ...
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3 Years of Travel. Thoughts

Shhhh! They’re all asleep. Wiped out like a small pride of lions after a big day on the savannah.  All ...
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Hijabs and Sri Lanka

This morning at sunrise I sat down to my computer to start my work for the day. It’s what I ...
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Location Independent Family, Solopreneur, Digital Nomads, Freedom!

Things gradually changed here at World Travel Family, our blogs started to follow a new course and we’re starting to ...
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When Natural Disasters Affect Your Travel Plans. Recovering From India

One day we were enjoying India in beautiful Kovalam, planning our next-day flight to Kathmandu and subsequent overland return to ...
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How To Do Pinterest (Last Updated 2020)

Around the globe 250 million individuals use Pinterest every month (source). My account was in the top 20,000 accounts according ...
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We’re Not a Budget Travel Blog

Yesterday, a potential hotel sponsor asked me “Can your readers afford us?” That’s a perfectly reasonable question, we’ve written post after ...
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How to Grow Your Blog

Hi there, before you start reading I’ll say upfront that I wrote most of this post almost 6 years ago. ...
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How to Have Freedom and Change Your Life. Finding Freedom in Life

We’ve been “Living the Dream” for 2 years now. We’ve been travelling full-time, seeing the world and spending most of ...
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Will Travel Blogging Fund Long Term Travel?

When we left home to travel in 2013 we hoped we could travel indefinitely, or for several years, on our savings ...
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Planning Family Travel: Three Months To Go

We are a family planning to travel the world. We are three months from our departure date. The first post ...
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Finding The Money to Travel, How to Fund Travel

We were able to travel full-time for almost 7 years, without a full-time traditional job between us and loving our ...
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