Family Gap Year

Renting or Hiring a Car in Thailand

Hiring a car in Thailand is pretty straightforward and a great way of seeing the country. While renting or hiring ...
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Sell Everything and Travel – How to Start Over in a Travel Lifestyle

Hi there, so you’re as crazy as us! Great to meet you. You’re thinking of selling everything you own and ...
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Best Things About Travelling the World as a Family

A lady in our Living Differently group was telling me yesterday how a photo I shared had stuck in her ...
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How to Travel the World?

You want to know how to travel the world, right? We’ve done it, so can you. It could be a ...
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50 Journeys Round the Sun.

It’s traditional to do a year-end wrap post, so here goes with 2016. This year was a big one for ...
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Handling Your Money in Thailand. Quick Guide and Tips

Thailand is one of the more tricky countries for travellers to handle their travel money at minimum cost. We normally ...
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What is Enough Socialisation? – World & Homeschooling Socialisation

I received an e-mail from a reader recently. He and his wife were thinking of taking their child on a ...
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AirBnB for Families. Finally Winning!

I’m famous for saying that AirBnb is useless for families and we never use it. If you’re not on Facebook ...
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3 Years of Travel. Thoughts

Shhhh! They’re all asleep. Wiped out like a small pride of lions after a big day on the savannah.  All ...
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Family House Sitting. Yes or No?

I’m going to say what I really feel (surprised, right?) and that is, long-term family house sitting as part of ...
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Why Travel With Kids

Why do we do this crazy thing, why travel with kids? More importantly, why we think you should travel with ...
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6 Places to Ski Around the World, You Might Not Know About

When we think of skiing we normally consider Europe, the United States or Canada. Australians often head to Japan or ...
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Planning A Big Trip

This post is about the planning stage of travel. How we do it and how you could do it. How ...
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Best Asian Beaches to Explore With The Family

Asia is full of brilliant, sun-drenched beaches that all the family can enjoy. If you’re committed travel-lovers looking for a ...
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Strewing The World. Strewing, Homeschooling and Worldschooling

Strewing. What is strewing? Strewing is a common word in homeschooling or unschooling, what does strewing look like in worldschooling? ...
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Travel Budget? We Don’t Set One

It’s true. We are great at budget travel – without a budget. People ask about our travel budget, what it ...
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Cheap and Budget Family Accommodation in London

In this post we share the some of the cheaper family accommodation in London that we’ve used over the years. ...
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2 Years of Travel, Where Have We Been and What Now?

It’s been two years of travel now. Two years of us, the boys and our backpacks. Two years of adventure, ...
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How to Haggle in Bangkok.

Everyone knows you need to haggle over prices in Thailand and most other parts of Asia. Some are good at ...
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Do We Travel Because We’re Unhappy?

A new year is just around the corner, all sparkly and shiny and waiting for you and me to enjoy. ...
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What Will My Boys Remember?

You may think we’ve not been to many places in 2014, after all, we’ve been exploring London in minute detail ...
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Harry Potter Experiences Around The World

What are the best Harry Potter Experiences around the world? Harry Potter experiences can be found in theme parks in ...
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Kayaking in Vang Vieng and Caving Tubing

A reader has asked for information on the kayaking and caving trip we took in Vang Vieng Laos, so, happy ...
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The Importance of Memories.

We are what’s called a digital nomad family. This means that our ability to generate a location independent income while ...
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15 Top World Landmarks You Shouldn’t Miss

I’ve just checked out Trip Advisor’s Top 25 Landmarks in the World, as voted for by readers. I’ve only been ...
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New York in Winter, on an RTW

We left home with a vague plan to backpack our way around Asia for as many years as possible, with ...
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Tips For Avoiding Mosquitos. Travel & Mosquitos

Many travellers encounter mosquitoes or mosquitos (both spellings are correct) as they travel in warm and tropical climates. We have ...
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How Does House Sitting Work?

House sitting is a mode of travel in which a volunteer moves into a house to take care of pets, ...
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Cost of One Year of Travel With Kids Breakdown

If you’ve read our previous post One Year of Travel, What Did it Cost? You’ll know that we worked out ...
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How to Have Freedom and Change Your Life. Finding Freedom in Life

We’ve been “Living the Dream” for 2 years now. We’ve been travelling full-time, seeing the world and spending most of ...
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One Year of Travel. Food Highlights

We’ve just completed one year of non-stop family travel. We made it from Australia, to Asia, to Europe, to Central ...
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What Did it Cost to Travel the World for a Year?

Now in year 5 of full time travel, I can’t believe we travelled so cheaply in year one. We had ...
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World Schooling. One Year of Travel. Homeschooling Highlights

This post was written after our first full year of homeschooling around the world. We continues homeschooling worldwide for another ...
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Travel Highlights From One Year of Travel

Travel highlights from the first 1 year of a multi-year trip. Yes, it’s true, we’re just coming up to one ...
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Finding Cheap Cruises (Re-positioning Cruises)

We took 2 10 day + cruises in a year a little while ago. We wouldn’t take a second or ...
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How do you Start an Adventure?

How do you start an adventure? I started mine with my first ever blog post on my free site. ...
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Family Budget Travel. Top Tips to Cut Travel Costs.

In our first year on the road we weren’t just about family budget travel, we were rocking extreme budget travel. ...
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Life is Never Easy. Real Life Family Travel.

I could tell you how we got from Laos to Bangkok easily on the fabulous sleeper train and how we’re ...
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Our Laos Budget. We’re spending $40/day, sort of..

I keep quoting this figure of $41/day as our budget, that’s actually a lie, our budget for Laos is working ...
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This is The Beginning. Port Douglas to Kuala Lumpur

This post is from our first day of travel, our first day as a nomadic family, not quite digital nomads ...
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Planning Family Travel: One Week To Go!

We are a family planning to set out on a travel adventure. Our aim is to travel indefinitely or for ...
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Planning Family Travel: Three Months To Go

We are a family planning to travel the world. We are three months from our departure date. The first post ...
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