Living Cheaply in London

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The cost of living in London is billed as high and on previous visits taking rentals, lets, or AirBnb apartments we’ve needed a lot of cash just to support ourselves. This time, our full 5 weeks living in London gave us zero housing or accommodation costs. We’ve been taking care of friend’s beautiful cats and borrowing their home while they’re on holiday. We don’t use a house sitting agency, so no affiliate links here, this was simply an arrangement with friends and one that has cut our costs to almost nothing. So what have these 5 weeks in London cost us in food, transport and entertainment and what’s the bottom line, how cheaply can you “do” London?

Living Cheaply in London – Our Way

We are Londoners. My kids were born in London but these days we don’t own a house there. We spend every summer in London, using hotels, staying with friends and family and on this occasion, house sitting. As digital nomads our lifestyle allows this. London is one of the most expensive places we visit ( But it has never been as costly as Singapore, Scotland, Bhutan or Australia for us) so we keep our living costs low to enjoy more time there.

What Have We Been Doing in London, How Are we Entertaining Ourselves Cheaply?

Bike hire in the park in London. Costs of Living in London
We’ve spent a lot of time in our local park, training, playing, meeting friends and hurtling around on banana bikes at 10 UK pounds per hour. Probably the most expensive thing we’ve done in these 5 weeks.

Much as I dislike the expression “living like locals”, this time we really have been, after all, we are Londoners not tourists. My husband has been working nights and paying taxes and it’s school holidays so all the other kids are enjoying their freedom too.

This visit hasn’t been about The London Eye, The Aquarium, The Science Museum and British Museum. We’ve done all of those places so many times that on this visit we didn’t feel much of a pull to visit them.

We didn’t sign the kids up for any groups or classes this time either. Previous visits have seen them enjoying Forest School or high diving lessons at Crystal Palace. This visit has been too short. We haven’t even bothered to seek out the extensive London homeschooling network, we’ve been busy. So what have we been doing instead?

  • Catching up with friends young and old for play and chat.
  • Shopping online, a rare chance to use Amazon for a few essentials.
  • Real-life shopping, replenishing backpacks and wardrobes.
  • Planning our next move, and preparing for our return to Vietnam and Asia.
  • Selling our car. We’ve owned her for 2 years and it’s time to let her go.
  • Training for sporting events, Chef for Ironman Langkawi, Boo for Ironkids, me for my first 10K run in 6 years, D swimming like a superpowered fish at Crystal Palace National Stadium. We seem to have become one of those fitness families.

Gear Upgrades For Our Next Adventures

Microfibre travel towels for sport camping family leisure
We bought various travel towels to find the best on the market. See our findings in the post.

This is where we’ve spent the most money, on essential items to make our travelling life easier and more comfortable. We have bought:

  • An Osprey Farpoint 40 Travel Pack. Boo’s new carry on / general luggage with lifetime guarantee. This will be Boo’s new carry-on size main backpack.
  • An ebags flat wash bag ( I love it, seriously, it’s fantastic!)
  • We tested travel towels and found the EcoDept large towel with free hand towel was the nicest We have plenty for the whole family now plus a couple of hand towels.
  • New camera memory cards, phone cards, batteries, chargers, headsets, things that have worn out.
  • Laptop protectors
  • Lots of running gear for me and essential Ironman/bike gear for the chef.
  • Nerf guns and Pokemon cards

What Our 5 Weeks in London Cost

Going up The Shard. Views of St Pauls from The Shard
The view from The Shard. An expensive day out, a great one, but it’s done and probably never to be repeated.

Accommodation Costs

Zero, this includes utilities and wi-fi. If we were staying in London in an Airbnb, rental or hotel, we would be paying AT LEAST $50/ night or quite easily double that. That’s $2000+ we saved. Plus we get to look after our 2 favourite cats in the world, it’s a win: win.

Transport Costs

Costs of living in London buying and selling car
She’s sold! She’s been rescued by tractors and horses, broken down in Prague, Hungary, London and Romania. She’s taken us skiing and to Venice and Paris. We fixed her up and loved her and now she’s gone. Buying and selling her was a sound financial decision. It’s worked out way cheaper to buy a car than to hire one and her new home is Romania, her natural habitat. Cars are cheaper in the UK so it’s common to import them from here, to there. We’ve had so much fun bombing around the village, kids riding in the back, slipping and sliding on ice and snow.  We’ll miss her.

We got here by car and ferry from the other end of Europe but now it’s time to move on to a new phase, our trusty 4×4 that has seen us through 2 Romanian winters is sold. We only lost £400 on the price we originally paid and that’s a great deal.  We used her in London a couple of times but travel by car in London is slow and tedious but with friends in Twickenham and Richmond, we’ve had to drive the 80 minutes or so from our side of London to theirs.  A full tank of diesel cost us £80.00. In Romania it’s more like £62.00.  Where we are staying there is no tube. If you ever stay in London be absolutely certain to be on the rail system, buses are cheap but boy are they slow. To go into central London from where we are by bus, it takes an hour.

Bus: £1.50 to £3.40 maximum per day ( unlimited rides), it’s capped. Free kids to 11. After that kids need a child Oyster Card to access free fairs. 2 week Oyster Cards are available to visitors.

Diesel: around £1.15- £1.18 per liter. Petrol around £1.12 – £1.16

Free: We walk, we run, we cycle, we use ” Boris Bikes”.  Transport costs have been almost non-existent.

Food Costs

London pub cider costs of eating out in London
No sneaky pints of cider and pub lunches this time, we’ve been self-catering ( how I hate that!)

Food: £80 per week in groceries from the supermarket plus the odd treat from nearby shops and convenience stores

Coffees and Eating Out: I’d estimated £100 total. We’ve massively cut back for health and fitness reasons.


Costs of London Trip Museums free
One of the best things about London is that so much is free, from stunning parks to world-leading museums.

5 Km Park Runs Every Saturday: Free

London’s Museums: Free

London’s parks and playground: Free

Enterring running events : £15 for me, £7 for Boo.

Swimming at Crystal Palace: £3.00   adult   £2.00   child

Hiring Banana Bikes in the Park for an Hour: £10 each

A Meal For 4 at Yo Sushi and Birthday sweet treats: £70.00  Yo Sushi, is VERY expensive, go to Itsu instead!

Weekly Costs for Living in London

Family Running London Costs
Nailed it! Yes, we’re one of those fit families now.

We are spending between £100 and £200 per week. That’s a ballpark figure only as costs vary and we’re not penny-pinching at all. We’re trying to eat right for the benefit of our health, not our bank balance. So happy days, London is working out extremely cheaply for us, possibly Asia-cheap, talking of which, see below.

If you are a digital nomad and thinking of basing yourself in London for a while, just know that living cheaply in London can be done.

Getting Ready to Return to Asia

We’re on a plane in under 2 weeks, London to Kuala Lumpur on an Air Malaysia A380 then the short hop to Ho Chi Minh on something less glamorous. Our guest house in Ho Chi Minh city is booked and will set us back around £30 per night including breakfast. Our month in Hoi An is also booked, a lovely looking place, no breakfast, around £20 per night. Our flights to Malaysia are booked for later in the year. So we’re back on the road and back to total freedom, we’re happy, excited and fully equipped with some excellent new gear. Next year, back to the Himalayas, possibly Myanmar, possibly Australia to sell our house. If you’re interested in the travel gear we love and use, you need this post, it includes the above.

If you'd like to hire a car during your stay, use this car rental comparison tool to find the best deal!

We also suggest you take a look at this company to get a quote for all kinds of the more tricky adventure or extended travel insurance.

Try Stayz / VRBO for an alternative way to find rentals on homes/apartments/condos in any country!

About the author
Alyson Long
Alyson Long is a British medical scientist who jumped ship to chase dreams. A former Chief Biomedical Scientist at London's West Middlesex Hospital she started in website creation and travel writing in 2011. Alyson is a full-time blogger and travel writer, a published author, and owns several websites. World Travel Family is the biggest. A lifetime of wanderlust and over 6 years of full-time travel, plus a separate 12 month gap year, has given Alyson and the family some travel expert smarts to share with you on this world travel site. Today Alyson still travels extensively to update this site and continue her mission to visit every country, but she's often at home on her farm in Australia.

7 thoughts on “Living Cheaply in London”

  1. So many changes! Big Sexy is no more? I feel a bit sad myself, I will miss sexy. It’s wonderful reading this blog and seeing everyone progressing and doing well.

    • No more. Sad to lose her, but ultra excited to be hitting the road in 6 days!

  2. I remember when Georgina first spotted Yo Sushi! in a department store when she was with my Mam and step-dad…..she’d jumped on the high seats and ramped up a £35 bill before they managed to reach her LOL! It’s all about the experience. 😉

  3. Ah, I’ve eaten at Yo Sushi — how fun to see you mention it, too!

    • It was a birthday treat foe Boo, he loves the conveyor belt, but when we visited Yo Sushi in Richmond there was no food on it, so it was rather disappointing.The sushi in Itsu is better and cheaper, but them’s the breaks!


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