We are a Full-Time Travel Family. How?

This is a post about how we, the owners of World Travel Family travel blog, get to travel full-time or ...
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Ways to Be a More Eco Friendly Traveller

Our lives on this planet are changing. We are at a point in time where we all have to do ...
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One Year Around The World (Year 4 of World Travel)

One year of round the world travel. What we did and where we went in our 4th year of travel ...
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AirBnB for Families. Finally Winning!

I’m famous for saying that AirBnb is useless for families and we never use it. If you’re not on Facebook ...
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15 Top World Landmarks You Shouldn’t Miss

I’ve just checked out Trip Advisor’s Top 25 Landmarks in the World, as voted for by readers. I’ve only been ...
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New York in Winter, on an RTW

We left home with a vague plan to backpack our way around Asia for as many years as possible, with ...
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Cost of One Year of Travel With Kids Breakdown

If you’ve read our previous post One Year of Travel, What Did it Cost? You’ll know that we worked out ...
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How to Have Freedom and Change Your Life. Finding Freedom in Life

We’ve been “Living the Dream” for 2 years now. We’ve been travelling full-time, seeing the world and spending most of ...
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One Year of Travel. Food Highlights

We’ve just completed one year of non-stop family travel. We made it from Australia, to Asia, to Europe, to Central ...
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What Did it Cost to Travel the World for a Year?

Now in year 5 of full time travel, I can’t believe we travelled so cheaply in year one. We had ...
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World Schooling. One Year of Travel. Homeschooling Highlights

This post was written after our first full year of homeschooling around the world. We continues homeschooling worldwide for another ...
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Travel Highlights From One Year of Travel

Travel highlights from the first 1 year of a multi-year trip. Yes, it’s true, we’re just coming up to one ...
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Breakfast Around the World

Breakfast foods are possibly the most interesting and variable as you travel around the world. Through 6 years of travel, ...
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Travel is a Waste of Money: Discuss

A percentage of the global population think that travel is a waste of money. It had honestly never crossed my ...
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How Many Countries Have You Been To?

Fellow family travel blogger Erin asked the question on her Facebook page, “How many countries have you been to?” Erin ...
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Planning Family Travel: One Week To Go!

We are a family planning to set out on a travel adventure. Our aim is to travel indefinitely or for ...
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Planning Family Travel: Three Months To Go

We are a family planning to travel the world. We are three months from our departure date. The first post ...
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Scared to Travel the World?

Am I scared to leave home and travel the world indefinitely, with no fixed plans? Not really. I can’t wait ...
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What To Pack For a Round The World Trip

What to pack for a round the world trip is largely personal choice. However, there are certain things to take ...
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Mongolia on The Trans Mongolian Express

Technically, The Trans Siberian Express doesn’t exist, I’ve Googled it to check. It’s the Trans Siberian Railway or the Trans ...
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Where to go on a RTW. Russia.

We took a 12 month RTW ( Round The World Trip) in 2000. A long time ago, I know, but ...
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Planning Family Travel: The First Six Months

We are a family setting off to travel the world. We’re not planning a gap year, we’re planning to travel ...
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My Biggest Travel Regrets

Many people will regret not travelling. But does anyone actually regret travel? A group of travel bloggers look at their ...
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Where are we going to go?

Well, who knows?  We’d like to see a few new places and, of course, we have favourite countries from our ...
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Reasons To Take A Round The World Trip

12 Reasons to take a round the world trip (RTW). Only 12? There are far more, but I’ve tried to ...
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Finding The Money to Travel, How to Fund Travel

We were able to travel full-time for almost 7 years, without a full-time traditional job between us and loving our ...
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