Planning Family Travel: Three Months To Go

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We are a family planning to travel the world. We are three months from our departure date. The first post in this series, about the planning process, saving, starting a travel blog to make an income, was this one, travel planning 6 months before departure.

Planning Family Travel

Planning Family Travel, 3 Months Before Departure

Nine months of planning family travel down, three to go.

In just under 3 months we will be on that plane to freedom. So what has changed since I posted about the first six months of planning?

My husband has resigned!

The worst-kept secret in Port Douglas is out, we can talk about it now. By some miracle his boss hadn’t heard, he obviously isn’t one of my readers. Chef has started chuckling to himself about having a life: life balance rather than a work: life balance, he is free from the start of July.

School is out.

I’ve almost completely stopped trying to educate my kids by conventional means. My untouched stockpile of printed worksheets went in the recycling.

Workbooks are finished with and packed away. No more formal work from now on, but that doesn’t mean the learning stops, far from it, you can’t stop children learning, they do it every day, all by themselves.

I’m writing our homeschool report at the moment, I put this learning plan together for next year, it gives an idea of how much they learn through real-life exposure. It’s one of the hoops I have to jump through to stay legal in Australia, not my idea of fun at all.

Money, not going so well.

Despite sticking to my weekly budget of $350. The savings aren’t going up. We’ve had a lot of big expenses, car stuff, house stuff, insurance, taxes. But I’m not worried, we can manage with whatever we have. We will have enough income to get by from house rental, interest on the money in the bank and blog income, I hope. We have around $17000 saved up.

Boxes are packed, stuff is gone. This is one of the most interesting parts, we’ve sold a lot of stuff, that’s the obvious way to de-clutter, but stuff is vanishing through natural deterioration. Anything that has worn out or broken,  we haven’t replaced, we’re down to 3 glasses, both vacuum cleaners died, we have far fewer clothes. But it’s good! I like having less stuff, there is something really enjoyable about having empty cupboards and a feeling of getting by with what we have.

New stuff has arrived. Backpacks, padlocks, cable locks, cases for Kindles and tablets, hard drives, all sorts of gadgets keep arriving in the mail. It’s fun! I have bought everything on the internet, I refuse to pay local prices, so far everything has been good. The money I’ve made from hosting with AirBnB has paid for all this.

With 3 Months To Go I’ve Been Blogging for 7 Months, Progress and Earnings

The World Travel Family blog is now almost 7 months old.

I have 77 email followers (not many, please sign up, if you would, it’s important!) (30 more than 3 months ago)

I may have more followers through RSS, I still totally don’t understand that.

423 Facebook fans on the page, all real, not through advertising. (265 more than 3 months ago)

344 Twitter followers (130 more than 3 months ago). I try to use Twitter properly but I just don’t get it, give me time, I’m old.

I joined G+ but I don’t understand that, either.

My Google page rank is 1.  There is a page rank update in the next week or so, they happen every 3 months. I’m keeping everything crossed for a 2.

My Domain Authority is 28 (was 24) and my Page Authority is 40 (was 36).

How much money have I made? About $780, all in the last month, a day rarely goes past without some advertiser contacting me, which is encouraging.

Traffic to the site is increasing steadily, it jumped when we got our first page ranked by Google in February. So far we have had 8,291 visits from 5,221 unique people giving us 34,821 page views. Not bad!

Update : By 2019 we were seeing that much traffic to our travel blog in just one day, often more. We got very good at making money as international travel bloggers. The events of 2020 decimated the travel industry of course. We have income reports from 2020 and 2021, to document just how bad things got in those years.

I can taste freedom!

Can you imagine what it’s going to be like? We have the first week of our trip planned, Kuala Lumpur and Legoland Malaysia for Boo’s Birthday, after that, nothing! We can do whatever we like, go wherever we like, our dream family travel lifestyle will be reality soon. If we fancy Vietnam, we’ll go there, if we feel like some cooler weather, we’ll head for Nepal or China. How absolutley, completely awesome is that? I still have a few worries, what I posted in am I scared to travel the world still stands. But there’s only one way to find out if this thing will work or not, to try it. Not long now!

The next post in this series, the pre-departure planning and countdown, is from 1 week before departure. Or you could read our post on how you could sell everything and travel the world too.

If you'd like to hire a car during your stay, use this car rental comparison tool to find the best deal!

We also suggest you take a look at this company to get a quote for all kinds of the more tricky adventure or extended travel insurance.

Try Stayz / VRBO for an alternative way to find rentals on homes/apartments/condos in any country!

About the author
Alyson Long
Alyson Long is a British medical scientist who jumped ship to chase dreams. A former Chief Biomedical Scientist at London's West Middlesex Hospital she started in website creation and travel writing in 2011. Alyson is a full-time blogger and travel writer, a published author, and owns several websites. World Travel Family is the biggest. A lifetime of wanderlust and over 6 years of full-time travel, plus a separate 12 month gap year, has given Alyson and the family some travel expert smarts to share with you on this world travel site. Today Alyson still travels extensively to update this site and continue her mission to visit every country, but she's often at home on her farm in Australia.

10 thoughts on “Planning Family Travel: Three Months To Go”

  1. i love reading your posts that you didnt set out to be a blogger, yet you are successfully mastering it! you are a great inspiration. with two young boys, i hope i can one day give them even a piece of what you are doing with your family!

  2. Hey there,

    I am one of your new subscribers and really enjoying the posts. Our lives seem quite similar. We are currently in our 2 week of a 26 week holiday with the kids around South East Asia. We planned 10 days in Singapore, 9 in Thailand for vaccinations and then we have nothing planned after that. Its so exciting and bloody scary too.

    I found you after googling “school sores” which our boy developed just as we left. You had some great info on it.

    Looking forward to reading more of your blog.



  3. Brilliant! can’t wait for you guys to hit the road. Maybe just maybe we’ll cross paths if we head to Thailand this summer or Asia.. 🙂

  4. Getting very exciting 🙂

    I’m curious though, your $350 weekly budget, what is that exactly to cover? Just food? Food and petrol? Or more? Obviously I want to know how you’ve done it. 😉

    • Food, household, diesel, eating out, drinks, toys, books, anything I would have to buy, so I managed to get a new camera and a laptop out of it by underspending for a few weeks. The husband arrived at that figure, personally, I think it’s too much. We manage pretty easily on it. Bills not included, he pays those straight from the bank.

    • Isn’t it Mel! I think I’d be more excited if we were actually planning a route or itinerary, booking accommodation etc. But we’re just going to go with the flow, see how we feel. You get the best prices on accommodation that way too.


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