Perimenopause has been a roller-coaster ride for sure. When we left home in 2013 I already knew that I was in the midst of this interesting time of life, but I didn’t expect my symptoms to get progressively worse and to cause us a few problems as we travel. I’m tough, really tough, not a delicate flower at all and not prone to rushing to doctors for anything less than imminent death, but at times I’ve struggled. This post is about experiences of full-time travel during perimenopause and how I coped, particularly with the anxiety. We were on the road travelling full-time for 7 years, right through perimenopause and into full menopause. I’m writing this post because it’s a bewildering time. If I can reach just one woman and help her through it, or let her know what to expect, it will make me happy.

Travel and Perimenopause
Yes, of course you can travel during menopause. I travelled for most of the perimenopause years and out through the other side of menopause. Things got a lot better after menopause. This posts isn’t medical advice, it’s just honest observations on how perimenopause affected me as a woman, and my ability to travel. I worked in hospital medicine for twenty years before becoming a travel blogger, so science is on my side.
What is Perimenopause?
Perimenopause is the time leading up to menopause, it can last up to 15 years and every woman is different, symptoms and duration vary wildly. Menopause is when menstruation totally stops (for 12 months officially), bring it on!
Nothing here is medical advice, just my experiences. I have to say that for legal reasons, but I link to some interesting resources if you want to know more about perimenopause symptoms and how to recognise it.
It’s generally agreed that there are AT LEAST 35 SYMPTOMS of Perimenopause. Each one is more joyous than the last. In my case, I started getting symptoms at 40, just after I stopped feeding my second child. I’m almost 50 now and sometimes it’s pretty full-on, sometimes I’m fine. I never know from one day to the next how I’ll feel.
Which Perimenopause Symptoms Have Impacted on our Travel?
Sweats, palpitations, tingling and breathlessness have seriously worried me at times. I’ve been concerned that I was about to have a heart attack. I remember sitting on the bus to Luang Prabang in Laos and thinking “This is it, I’m going to die here.” It passed, with the help (maybe) of aspirin, magnesium spray and water. But that set of symptoms rears it’s ugly head fairly often.
I actually had an ECG and bloods for thyroid etc. done before we left, they were fine. I keep reminding myself that the science proves me healthy. (If you have any of these symptoms you really should pop along to the doc’s.)
Erratic, unpredictable and heavy periods, boy are they fun on a bus or in a hostel with shared bathrooms! Particularly when you can’t find industrial strenth sanitary protection. TMI, I know. We try to plan travel days for the “right” time of the month but with cycles varying from 2 weeks to 8, it’s hard to do. I stock up whenever I find what I need, in parts of Thailand, Laos and Malaysia I had a few issues.
Sleeplessness, isn’t too much of a problem for me usually. I actually consider insomnia my super power. 2am often sees me up, working, while the family sleeps. The only time that insomnia bothers me is when I can’t get to sleep for sweats at bed time, luckily that doesn’t happen too often. When I sweat and freeze alternately it can go on for 4 or 5 hours before I eventually get to sleep.
Mood Swings and feeling like you’re going crazy is a fun one. You never know when it’s going to strike because the cycles are so erratic. I never had PMT in my life until perimenopause struck, I thought I was too tough for all that stuff. Wrong!
Now I know that my brain just stops functioning towards the end of a cycle. I can’t concentrate, I flit from one idea to the next. It reminds me very much of ADHD. I get crabby as all hell and scream and cry rather than speak. If anyone pisses me off, I want their blood!
Anxiety is something that I’ve carried with me since early childhood, but it becomes intensified during perimenopause. I had a bad run-in with it a few years ago but it actually hasn’t been too bad lately, other than when the cardiac-like symptoms strike. I tried drugs for a couple of days back home in Port Douglas and then threw them in the bin in favour of running. A very wise doctor was my saviour with this one. He simply told me that I was quite unwell but I was an intelligent woman and I would find a way to fix it. I did, I loved that man, he advised me to ditch the tablets prescribed elsewhere or I’d never get off them.
But anxiety is a really crappy thing. When you’re lying in bed sweating there is always that little voice,
” It might not be menopause you know, it might be cancer.” Or the other voice,
” You’re brain isn’t working because you have dementia.” The old favourite strikes too,
” WHAT are you doing to your kids!!!”
Anxiety sucks.
But I haven”t had a panic attack in years.
B vitamins and Magnesium really seem to help me with this.
What Have I Found That Helps Perimenopause Symptoms on the Road?
Everyone has something to recommend, but the reality is that drugs and natural supplements can be hard to find on the road.
I’ve found Black Cosh here in Guatemala but friends have told me of nasty side effects so it didn’t seem worth giving it a try at $40 a bottle.
In my case, caffeine, alcohol, spicy food and carbohydrates seem to make the symptoms worse. Those are my favourite things, I’d rather have sweats than give up 3 of the 4.
I have to have some joy in my life!
It’s only the carbs that I cut out. I’m not a fan of carbs anyway, they’re mostly empty calories, so give or take the odd pizza or cake craving, they’re gone and have been for years.
Alcohol, I love, but sometimes I drink, sometimes I don’t. I’ve quit for good periods, I’ve done the Dryathlon and I go months without wine when we travel. I see little difference.
Keeping busy helps, so in that way the travelling has been great. I’m much less likely to notice the symptoms when I’m actively involved in something. The times when we’ve been doing nothing, like during our month in Antigua, make me notice all of the symptoms more. Doing something I enjoy is best, a dawn walk at the beach, staring out to sea, kayaking, climbing a mountain, cuddling the kids, anything that lifts my spirits makes me better able to cope.
Exercise really helps. On Ko Phangan I spent a lot of time hiking up and down the hill to keep the breathlessness at bay, it seemed to work. I’m not fit enough to run now, but up until a few years ago I could run a half marathon any time. I’d really like to get back into it if we ever settle somewhere again, I think it’s achievable, even at 47.
I climbed halfway up Everest a couple of months ago so I’m still fit and healthy, if somewhat cranky.
Multivitamins, iron supplements, and magnesium oil spray are my friends (I buy mine back home in Port Douglas and have been carrying the concentrate around the world). As you get older you don’t absorb Mg so well, if I’m low on Mg I get cramps and feel down. I also find the spray really relaxing at bedtime, it helps me sleep. I think I became anaemic recently due to poor diet, the iron (with B vitamins) seemed to help within a few days, but of course, it could just be that my perimenopausal symptoms subsided naturally. Anaemia causes very similar symptoms. (see a doctor to check!)
Breathing, in for 4, hold for 2, out for 4 is a quick fix trick that you can use anywhere to calm anything. I like self-hypnosis too, I used it in natural childbirth (at home) and regularly use it to fall asleep.
Would I Recommend Travelling During Perimenopause?
Yes! You may as well get through this out in the world having fun as sitting at home. Rather like parenting on the road or raising kids, these things are fully portable and more fun in Thailand. Save this to Pinterest ladies – you know you want to. More young women should know what’s coming.

So that’s it, my personal experience with the end of an era. I don’t know how I suddenly got so old, it really does creep up on you. Friends who are through menopause (and now, I’m that side too, they’re right, I’m 54 now) tell me that the other side is great, they feel amazing. I’m hanging onto that thought. I feel that I want to create more posts about travel as a woman, if you have anything you’d like me to discuss, let me know in the comments. Thanks.
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Thanks for the detailed information shared. really a great post.
Cheers Ears 🙂
Getting ready to do some family traveling and made the conscious decision to get my perimenopause issues under control before we leave. My doctor recommended a natural supplement, Fem Guard + Balance, by Designs for Health. It has worked wonder for me…no more hot flashes, monthly cycle is consistent, mood swings diminished, and no more anxiety….loving it!
Just wanted to say how much I enjoy your blog and your honesty about family traveling.
Your posts about London have been most helpful as that is where we start our journey this fall.
I should also need to try these natural supplements, thanks for advice. I also periodically feel the symptoms described in the article. Most often, it is insomnia and sweating. I try to fight insomnia with sleeping pills. But it is difficult to cope with sweating, especially when it finds me at the most inopportune moment, for example, at a conference or at a business meeting.
I am 57 and I think over the worst of the menopause. However in my early 40’s through happenstance and meeting the right doctor (who I was not meant to be seeing) fate intervened and I had the Mirena IUD fitted. Changed my life. Doesn’t suit everyone, but I got my life back and could go out and not worry. Saved a fortune on ST’s too.
I didn’t know a coil could ease menopause symptoms. Interesting!
Been there, done it, have the sweat marks to show! Bio-identical hormone cream bought in Thailand was amazing at getting me over the roughest year and into full blown menoapause which is easier. It’s been 1.5 years since I had my last period in The Hague while slow traveling and I am so thankful it’s finished. Night sweats are down to moderate and no mood swings (well kids may say differently on that:) Look up bio-identical creams though. It helped.
What is this cream Kate? I will be in Thailand in late July, so it works? Is it affordable?
This is bio-identical hormone cream. I first got it in the US after they did a full test of my hormone levels and it was created in a lab based on my results. Supposedly they can fine tune it to you. Do some research though as just like regular hormonal replacement, some people love it and others are against it so it’s a personal decision:) You only get 6 month supplies so when I was in Thailand I went to the Chiang Mai clinic and saw a great doctor. They actually had their pharmacy in Bangkok make up my prescription which they couriered to my hotel the day before we flew home to Dubai. I used:
Seemed very good people (the doctor was Thai and had worked in the US for last 30 years but wanted to go home). I felt comfortable with the standards and the cream worked for me at cutting down hot flashes and other annoyances.
Good luck:)
Wonderful. Thanks for the info Kate.
Forgot to ask, do you recall the ball park price for testing and cream?
Heidi I have searched my emails and can’t find prices sorry. But they were really good at returning my email questions prior to going. And I know it was cheaper than Dubai and I think about the same as US (with insurance). So from memory I think about $150 for 6 months. I had a body scan thing too but it wasn’t very expensive. Doctor and scan about $100 I “think” Good luck.
Thanks so much. I did email them the other day, so hopefully they will reply. Thanks
Just like the others said… something else to look forward to when I actually start to travel. Thanks for the ideas, the info and I know where to come back to when I have questions!!
Induct me into the sisterhood too…. been riding this roller coaster for 6 years now, starting with premature menopause at 38. Thanks for the magnesium oil spray tip – might just give that a go. Keep keepin’ it real too. Love that about your and Chef’s posts. And I think you look plenty fit in that cruise photo. Well done Mumma!
Hey I am right there with you sister! Then entire way with all of the symptoms too. Where the heck did these panic attacks come from? LOL
As far as a time of the month, it is whenever it wants and may last a week or 3 weeks. There is no more planning around that anymore. I remember going to the Dr. before leaving for Spain in summer 2012 and she said I was too young at 46 and I disagreed with her. I told her, I have symptoms. Oh well, nothing they can do anyway. I do the iron now and again too and yes I need to exercise more.
Hey when I can’t sleep, I know you are on line with me. 🙂
Sounds hideous Alyson – not nice to know I’ve got that to look forward to. I expect you’ve already heard about/tried it, but the Mooncup is really good for heavy flow and will solve the problem of having to look for sanitary products in Asia. I’ve been using one for the last few years and it’s great, I can sleep through the night with it in and everything – only tricky part in Asia is sterilising it between use.
Aack! I’m hitting forty this year and we’re hoping to be on the road long term in the next few years and now I’ve got one more thing to worry about! But seriously, you won’t get any TMI complaints from me. I really love how you don’t gloss over the challenges in your blog and don’t let them get between you and your dreams. I’ve seen a lot of long term travel blogs that look more like a Pinterest page than a realistic picture of family life on the road but I’d much rather have the real life version. Thanks for all the tips and inspiration.
Thank you Deanne, you made my day. And good luck! It started gradually, but I was WEIRD! Not myself at all, I didn’t even know what Perimenopause was back then, t took years to figure it out.
Oh Lordy me..I hear you!!!.I am about to turn 50.The years between 40-48 nearly sent me kooky.I had to resort to cutting disposable nappies into something that resembled a sanitary napkin,just to cope with the flow at night.I found Vitamin D capsules,magnesium and iron supplements really helped….I am looking forward to being 80.I am too strong to give into it as well .A bio-identical progesterone cream is the answer,as during this peri-menopause time they are our savior:)