Mongolia on The Trans Mongolian Express

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Technically, The Trans Siberian Express doesn’t exist, I’ve Googled it to check. It’s the Trans Siberian Railway or the Trans Mongolian Express or Railway. But when I booked my tickets I booked tickets on the Trans Siberian Express, so I’m keeping that for now. We left the train in Mongolia for a few days. It was an incredible experience, an amazing country. If you are wondering where to go on a round the world trip ( RTW), seriously consider Mongolia and taking the Trans Mongolian Express train ride.

Visiting Mongolia on the Trans Siberian Express

We’ve already done where to go on a RTW. Part 1: Russia. We left off where we boarded the train. So now to the next bit, getting to Mongolia.

A Trip on The Trans Mongolian Express

Before we left the UK we’d become aware that Mongolia was suffering from an outbreak of bubonic plague, spread by lemmings, apparently.  

But bubonic plague is fully curable these days so we decided to suck it up and take the Trans Mongolian Express anyway. How bad could plague be?

Life on The Trans Mongolian Express (Railway)

The cabins on the Trans Mongolian train had four berths and we were sharing with two gentlemen, a Mongolian and a guy that we established was from Minsk. That was about as far as the conversation went with Minsk passenger.

He seemed nice, he taught us the Belarusian word for snow, snieh, gave us some of his vodka, and offered us a share of his leg of roast lamb that he’d brought along, wrapped in newspaper.

It sat on the table for the whole trip. He’d get his knife out and hack a bit off when he was peckish.

Cabin on Trans Mongolian Express Train

Mongolian guy had a few more words of English and he played cards with Chef. We all got along pretty well, sharing food and smiles, but mostly not understanding each other at all.

I love long train journeys, sitting, observing, watching the world go by, inside, and outside the train.

Mongolian Traders on the Trans Mongolian Express

The Trans Mongolian Express Train

When we started this classic railway journey in Moscow we couldn’t understand why everybody had so much baggage. It was bizarre, bales and bales of random stuff tied up with string.

These people weren’t just stowing it in their own cabins, they had special keys to unlock and remove panels in the train, in the ceiling, in the walls, everywhere. It wasn’t unusual for a smiling Mongolian to enter our cabin, squeezing a bale of something or other through the door and casually remove part of the roof and stuff the something up there.

They were very nice, but we weren’t exactly sure what was going on and were kind of worried about the legalities. Nobody else seemed too bothered by it, so we adopted the “smile and wave” approach.

At stations they sprung into action, racing to sell their gear to the waiting crowds of Russians, fur coats, light fittings, just about anything, dangled out of windows and doors. Chef, helped out, it seemed like a good thing to do.

Mongolian Traders on the Trans Mongolian Express

Food on the Trans Mongolian Express

There was a dining car, it also sold beer. I didn’t eat there at all so I can’t comment. I expect they served borscht.

We took a few supplies with us, instant noodles, tea bags and nuts. Each carriage had boiling water available from a samovar, so that was easy. We also bought some food at stations.

The train stops for long enough for one of you to hop off and buy some local specialties,  freshly boiled eggs, home-made bread, dried fish, all sorts of things.

Chef scored us some cheese triangles at one point, one of the global varieties, either laughing cow, slightly amused cow, or sullen cow. The cow’s mood alters as you travel around the globe. Beer, too, plenty of beer and, no doubt, vodka, was available on the station platforms.

Mongolia: Ulan Bator

Mongolia was excellent, a very strange and different sort of place. I’ve said before that I think we travel to find the different. Well, we certainly found it here.

As this was a pre-booked tour, a guide met us at the station and took us to a modernish hotel. We discovered that there were two other British backpackers on the train, joining us for the next few days. We hadn’t seen them on the Trans Siberian/Mongolian at all. They were nice, which was good.

A shower and a change of clothes was heaven after four nights on the train. We had one night in the town of Ulan Bator, enough time to explore, visit a fantastic Buddhist monastery complete with chanting monks, change some money and eat out at one of the many Chenghis restaurants. We got to sample lard on toast, a local specialty, with borscht.

Ulaan Bator Mogolia

Next morning they whisked us away for our Traditional Mongolian Ger Camp Experience

Mongolia: Traditional  Mongolian Ger Camp Experience

Ger Camp

OK, so our Mongolian Ger Camp Experience maybe wasn’t entirely traditional, it was a purpose-built tourist ger camp, but it was traditional enough for us. We were far enough away from civilization to hear the wolves at night and I’d never slept inside anything like a ger before.

Our ger was beautiful, ornately decorated, and warm, thanks to the central wood-burning stove. There were wooden bunks neatly arranged around the edges, with plenty of blankets. A guy came in at night to stoke the fire while we slept. Temperatures outside were incredibly low (minus 10 C-ish), we wore everything in our packs at once and were still absolutely freezing once we stepped out through the door.

Alyson Long at Ger Camp Mongolia
Ger Camp Mongolia

Food (borscht) was served in a communal dining building, there were only four of us staying, plus the Mongolian staff. We rode Mongolian ponies and practiced Mongolian wrestling with a small wiry chap. This became very competitive among the rugby-playing, weight-lifting boys but the Mongolian won, every time.

Mongolian Ger Camp Experience
Riding Ponies in Mongolia

We walked across the steppe with our guide to find an actual, real, nomadic family in their winter camp.  They gave us home-made biscuits and mare’s milk tea. I still haven’t got over that tea.

In the evenings we played knuckle bones, with actual, real knuckle bones, and drank the vodka we had brought with us.

Inside a Ger Tent with Nomads in Mongolia
Mongolian Nomads at their Ger Camp

After two nights in our ger camp we headed back to the station, back to our cozy train to continue our Trans Siberian, or was it Trans Mongolian, experience right through to Beijing. We didn’t get bubonic plague.

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About the author
Alyson Long
Alyson Long is a British medical scientist who jumped ship to chase dreams. A former Chief Biomedical Scientist at London's West Middlesex Hospital she started in website creation and travel writing in 2011. Alyson is a full-time blogger and travel writer, a published author, and owns several websites. World Travel Family is the biggest. A lifetime of wanderlust and over 6 years of full-time travel, plus a separate 12 month gap year, has given Alyson and the family some travel expert smarts to share with you on this world travel site. Today Alyson still travels extensively to update this site and continue her mission to visit every country, but she's often at home on her farm in Australia.

4 thoughts on “Mongolia on The Trans Mongolian Express”

  1. Sounds great Al, how long did it take and what kind of price? Always fancied Mongolia!

    • Hi Ant, good to see you on here. It was part of our RTW. Do you remember emailing me when we were up on the Pakistan India border and telling me to hold my breath if I saw a mushroom cloud? I remember opening that email, we were in McLeod Gange, visiting The Dalai Lama. Part of that trip. We booked through a company called The Russia Experience, have a look at their website, you can tailor the trip to suit you, so you can have as many stops on the Trans Siberian as you like, stay in Ulaan Bator as long as you like etc. It’s a bit pricey, but these days you may not have to prebook a trip, we had to back then, it was the only way to get a visa. You may be able to do it independently which would be cheaper. We’ll try to do Mongolia again this time, the kids would love it, we’d go in through China, only one day on the train to do it that way. Maybe see you there…stay out of trouble x

  2. Yep, we did it Lana, I included photos as evidence. It was fantastic and I’d do it again tomorrow, Russia, Mongolia, China, The Trans Siberian, any part of it. I wouldn’t be too worried about doing it alone, the Mongolian traders were lovely, it wasn’t just the men, they seemed to travel with their wives and families, they were a nice bunch.

  3. wow, you’ve done this, seriously!! High on my list, but its one of those things I’d rather not do alone!


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