Travelling Without Dad.

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Travelling without Dad. Single parent travel

The boys and I are starting our family adventure in Malaysia early with a bit of single parent travel, we’re travelling without Dad, he’ll join us once he’s got the house, car and cat dealt with.

We’ve changed the dates on our Air Asia flights, brought them forward, and payed the difference in price between the two days. That’s a really good service for a budget airline, we’re impressed.

You know I said we were leaving in about three months?

Make that three weeks!

Travelling without Dad. I’m Brave, Right?

No, not really, I’m secretly quaking in my boots, it’s all a bit big and scary, but I’ve done it before and it was fine.

Last year, in the UK, we took advantage of the late deals on offer and took ourselves on a bargain trip to Florida for a couple of weeks. Just the two children and I. We had an amazing holiday, touring the theme parks and the Kennedy Space Center, one of our best. We couldn’t have taken the deal if we’d had to wait for all four of us to be available, work was in the way.

Travelling without Dad wasn’t a problem at all, it actually improves the holiday for the kids in a way, one grown up focuses totally on them, two grown ups have their own agenda, single parent travel is more child focused and is a lot of fun.

We’re used to spending plenty of time as a threesome, I’m a chef’s widow, it goes with the territory, so missing Dad wasn’t a big issue and there was always Skype in the evenings.

It is a really empowering experience being a solo travelling parent, it was a big deal for me to drive around Florida in a great big car, sorting out hotels, money, tickets, not getting lost, all by myself. I know I’m a grown up and I should be able to do that sort of thing with my eyes shut, but you do become quite reliant on your partner after a decade or so of marriage. It was good for me and lovely to share that time with my children. They really step up and become Mum’s little helpers when they are the men of the trip.

I wouldn’t do it on any sort of vacation, if we were going somewhere outdoors-y, where playing in nature was a big feature, the boys and I would like Dad there, he’s more fun for all that running around but we will be in towns and cities for these few weeks, we’ll be exploring, visiting attractions, museums and shops. That’s Mum stuff, I can handle that.

I keep reminding myself of all the amazing single Mums out there, exploring the world with their children, people like Lainie at Raising Miro and Theodora at Escape Artistes. I bet they’re not scared!

So off we go to Malaysia, a country I’ve never visited before, to explore and hang out for a few weeks ’till Dad joins us. Stay with me lovely people, I may need you to talk to.

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About the author
Alyson Long
Alyson Long is a British medical scientist who jumped ship to chase dreams. A former Chief Biomedical Scientist at London's West Middlesex Hospital she started in website creation and travel writing in 2011. Alyson is a full-time blogger and travel writer, a published author, and owns several websites. World Travel Family is the biggest. A lifetime of wanderlust and over 6 years of full-time travel, plus a separate 12 month gap year, has given Alyson and the family some travel expert smarts to share with you on this world travel site. Today Alyson still travels extensively to update this site and continue her mission to visit every country, but she's often at home on her farm in Australia.

13 thoughts on “Travelling Without Dad.”

  1. Will let you know… I am about to do same with 4 kids ๐Ÿ™‚ Off to NZ though so at least the language is English!

  2. I think you are soooo brave! It’s not just the sole travel part, but the fact that you don’t really get a break when alone with the kids for so long – there’s no-one to take over and give you some alone-time to relax etc. Anyhow, I’m sure it’ll go well, and I’ll be following along reading to see how it goes ๐Ÿ™‚ Enjoy Malaysia!

    • No, not really Sheralyn, I’ve never had a break of any kind, they don’t go to school or day care, so I don’t know what having a ‘break” is like! Malaysia was about 8 months ago now, we’ve been travelling ever since.

      • lol I didn’t look at the post date – found it via Twitter last night (err, I was staying up too late as usual and was overtired, can I use that as my excuse? ๐Ÿ˜‰ )

  3. Great article… but guess what? We’re out there, sometimes scared too. You are doing great.

  4. I’ve missed this post!
    It’s great to see you travel safe and are enjoying your first days in Malaysia!

  5. This will be a good experience for all. I think we forget how brave and strong we are and can be. Who knows once you reunite, you will all have a greater appreciation for each other. Have fun and make the most of it.

  6. Speaking as someone without kids, I think that taking them travelling on your own is very brave! You will be fine though I’m sure of it – so pleased that you’re adventure is finally beginning!

  7. Hi Alyson, I nominated you and your blog to The Sunshine Award ๐Ÿ™‚ in case you want to take it. Have a great day!

  8. I am soooo excited for you!!! 3 weeks?!? Can’t wait to read the updates.

  9. Oh WOW, you are brave. Im not sure I could do that. I travel a lot in NZ with my kids without dad but find it a lot scarier in a foreign country when English is a second language. Go you.

    We are touring south east Asia with our kids for 6 months. On week 4 now. Will be interested to see what you do in Malaysia. We are there after Thailand from 1 May.


  10. Sounds fantastic, I’m so jealous. You will have a fab time and I’ll be looking forward to updates in my inbox. ๐Ÿ™‚


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