How Much Money Can One Blog Post Make

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How much money can a single blog post make? Some of mine have made thousands, some may have made tens of thousands. Let’s do some blog post data maths!

Money 1 blog post makes in a day and over time
Us, Alyson and James, travel bloggers on the road, doing what we love most. Exploring the world together. But if I can’t do that, I’ll be pouring over travel blog data. I thought it was an interesting exercise for me and for you to see how much money just one blog post can make, in a day, or over time.

I’m waitiing for a cyclone to arrive today, so I’m a bit bored, after all hatches have been battened. So why not write a blog post about blog posts?

I can’t give exact figures, I can give you the amount single blog posts have made from Mediavine since 2017. I’ve been with Mediavine about 7 years. I can also see how much individual blog posts have made in affiliate sales, through looking at tracking in Amazon, Stay22 and Affilimate.

What I found interesting was that a single blog post from most countries, will more than pay for that trip, for our family of 4. But, of course, it takes a long time for that money to build.

How Much Money Can One Blog Post Make In A Day?

I had a quick look at the data for blog post earnings from Mediavine for just one day, Dec 05th 2023. For no particular reason.

Mediavine Income

The most any single blog post made on that day was $1.38 in Mediavine advertising revenue. Some would have made zero if they had no views on that day.

On top of the “straight” Mediavine income you can add on a small amount for ad revenue from video, no single post made more than $0.05 on that day.

Since Mediavine switched us all to the Universal Player, an advertising video with ads, rather than the actual video for the page, my revenue from video has been smashed. We don’t have the choice, we have to use the Universal Player now.

I think the actual page videos were a much better user experience, and they made me more money, so that’s a shame. Particularly after all the effort we invested in making those videos.

Affiliate Income

On December 5th 2023, a single blog post made $13.05 in affiliate sales. That was a single sale of a pretty inexpensive tour through GetYourGuide.

It wasn’t a very good day for affiliate sales.

That same single post has made $67 on tour sales in the last year and a bit. It’s not a high earner. In its Mediavine lifetime (7 yrs) it has made just $78. So not much different. I’m making a mental note to increase traffic to that post! I can do that by updating it and improving SEO.

My biggest single post has made a very healthy $4380 in the last year and a bit in affiliate sales. On that day it made no sales, in its lifetime on Medivine (about 7 years) it has made $470. It’s a low-traffic post, but it makes great sales!

My biggest post on Mediavine has made $4774.00 in 7 years on Mediavine. It’s a top-performing post with huge traffic and good RPMs. That same post has made $636.09 in its year and a bit on Affilimate through affiliate sales.

Imagine if all 1000 posts made that amount! But they don’t, that’s just not how it works.

This high traffic one makes daily sales but they’re all for tiny amounts. Multiply that by 7 and you get over $4000. So on that one, Affiliate sales and advertising revenue make about the same

The most I’ve ever made in affiliate sales in 1 day is $2028. That was a very good day and it’s rare to make more than a few hundred dollars in affiliate sales in one day.

The most I ever made in a day from Mediavine was about $300 according to my data. That doesn’t sound right, I remember having $500 Mediavine days, maybe I need to add video earnings for that day, but I can’t access that day by day. Mediavine didn’t used to give us earnings per post back then, just a total.

That $300 in one day from Mediavine was mostly from just one post, I had a viral. $300 equates to about 10,000 page views on that day.

I had months of 10,000 PV days back then, or thereabouts, but the amount of money you make per page view fluctuates wildly with time of year and where those website visitors are coming from. Advertising pays well for US-based readers, way less for Asian visitors. As at least half of this site is about Asia, my RPMs aren’t great.

Affilimate does not currently collect data from every affiliate channel we currently use. Stay 22 is a big one for us. So if we added those sales we could add zero to a few hundred dollars extra to those daily totals.

Stay22 should be added to Affilimate soon. If you’d like to try Affilimate for yourself, take a look at their free trial possibilities here.

I’m shocked by these numbers. I would have thought Mediavine would be a very big part of our income and give us the highest daily earnings. But clearly it’s not. We make a lot more money from affiliate sales than from advertising. With cookies going away in January 2024, with predicted drops in advertising revenue, I can see we need to work extra hard on those affiliate sales!

One video alone, from Bangkok, has earned us (actually, my son, D, he made it) over $2000 in its lifetime. Some have made cents.

Yes, travel blogs do still make a worthwhile amount of money, more than enough to cover the cost of the travel. 2024 will be harder, but we’ll keep going. You see, I’m a travel blogger because I love both travel, and website creation. The constant battle with Google excites me, as does sharing genuine travel content that should be helpful to our readers. Social media is pretty much dead to me, except Pinterest, I’m having fun with Pinterest in December 2023. I don’t work hard, but I think hard. So on we go. Any questions on blogging? Drop them below.

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About the author
Alyson Long
Alyson Long is a British medical scientist who jumped ship to chase dreams. A former Chief Biomedical Scientist at London's West Middlesex Hospital she started in website creation and travel writing in 2011. Alyson is a full-time blogger and travel writer, a published author, and owns several websites. World Travel Family is the biggest. A lifetime of wanderlust and over 6 years of full-time travel, plus a separate 12 month gap year, has given Alyson and the family some travel expert smarts to share with you on this world travel site. Today Alyson still travels extensively to update this site and continue her mission to visit every country, but she's often at home on her farm in Australia.

3 thoughts on “How Much Money Can One Blog Post Make”

  1. Thanks for this blog Alyson. Really helpful. I’m curious to know what volume of monthly visitors you need to maintain to create income levels like you have stated? How much focus do you put on SEO for your blogs and website? I’m guessing a lot given you always appear so high up on natural searches. We have a small family travel blog and aspire to build it up like yours.

    • Hi Nadeem, our monthly PVs have been up in the 300,000s, at the moment much lower, maybe 200,000 for various Google reasons, Google likes to give people all the answers on the SERPS pages now. But affiliate sales on hotels are the highest they’ve ever been, on lower traffic. Amazon is 10% of what it was about 6 years ago, that’s crashed, so I don’t bother with that any more. Yes, it’s all about SEO 100%. I wouldn’t advise anyone today to do it the way we’ve done it. Can you travel for 7 years? Can you spend 12 years building it? A smaller site covering one destination is much quicker and easier. Ideally somewhere expensive and a place you spend a lot of time in. I made a new one like this 8 days ago.1 week in, the new one is getting organic traffic and I hope sales soon. I’m starting up my blog coaching group again soon, just getting that ball rolling. It will be $250 / month of help and me troubleshooting, assisting, and getting you started properly.

  2. An insightful read that analyzes the potential earnings of a single blog post. The financial landscape of blogging is truly fascinating, and this article sheds light on the diverse ways content creators can monetize their platforms. Great job breaking down the nuances and offering valuable insig


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